Resource Type: ESCWA publications
Inclusion Topics: Equality and Non-discrimination, Justice and Freedom from Abuse
Member States: Jordan, Lebanon
Table of contents:
Barriers to Implementing Article 19
A Study on the Institutionalization of Personswith Disabilities in Select Arab Countries
This paper explores the barriers to implementation Article 19 of the CRPD which ensures the right to live independently and to be included in the community in two case studies: Lebanon and Jordan.
It finds that few of the institutions studied are providing the kind of care and services required to facilitate the integration and independent living of persons with disabilities in their communities. It also finds that that in many Arab states, families often turn to institutionalization due to a lack of alternative care options and the inaccessibility of many public spaces, services and facilities. With these two pieces of information in mind, the report identifies the immediate need for deinstitutionalization strategies that address the creation of new local support services, the improvement of accessibility in all areas of society, and the eventual closure of residential institutions.
As a regional study, albeit a qualitative one on a modest scale, this report seeks to assist Arab governments that have signed the Convention in developing new insights on the implementation of Article 19. It also strives to inform a variety of actors concerned with monitoring the implementation of the Convention on the progress states are making in implementing Article 19, and to provide guidance for any organizations or groups wishing to promote the inclusion and independent living of persons with disabilities.