Table of contents:
Sources of National Statistical Data
Quantitative data in the report and country profiles was taken from the following sources, which were verified – and in many cases complemented – through email communication with focal points in the respective national statistical offices.
Office Nationale des Statistiques and others. Enquête nationale à indicateurs multiples (MICS) 2006. Algiers.
Central Informatics Organization (2010a). Census 2010. Isa Town and Manama.
Central Informatics Organization (2010b). Census 2010 – Sample Survey. Isa Town and Manama.
Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics. Population and Housing Census 2006. Cairo.
Central Organization for Statistics and Information Technology and others. Iraq Household Socio-Economic Survey (IHSES) 2007. Baghdad.
Department of Statistics. Disability Survey 2010. Amman.
Central Statistical Bureau. Kuwait 2011 General Census. Kuwait City.
Central Administration of Statistics and others. National Survey of Household Living Conditions 2004. Beirut.
Pan Arab Project for Family Health and the National Centre for Infectious and Chronic Disease Control. National Libyan Family Health Survey 2007. Tripoli.
Haut-Commissariat au Plan. Recensement Général de la Population et de l’Habitat 2004. Rabat.
Ministry of Solidarity, Women, Family and Social Development. National Survey on Disability 2006. Rabat.
National Center for Statistics and Information. Census 2010. Muscat.
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. Population, Housing and Establishment Census 2007. Ramallah.
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics and Ministry of Social Affairs. Disability Survey 2011. Ramallah.
Qatar Statistics Authority. Population, Household and Establishment Census 2010. Doha.
Saudi Arabia
Central Department of Statistics and Information. Population and Housing Census 2004. Riyadh.
Central Department of Statistics and Information. Demographic Survey 2007. Riyadh.
Central Bureau of Statistics. Fifth Population and Housing Census 2008. Khartoum.
Syrian Arab Republic
Central Bureau of Statistics. Multipurpose Survey 2007. Damascus.
Central Bureau of Statistics (2011a). Statistical Yearbook 2011. Damascus.
Central Bureau of Statistics (2011b). Labour Force Survey 2011. Damascus.
National Institute of Statistics. National Survey on Population and Housing 2009. Tunis.
United Arab Emirates
National Bureau of Statistics. Census 2005. Abu Dhabi.
Central Statistical Organization. Population and Housing Census 2004. Sana’a.