Digital inclusion resources
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International and Regional Practices Favoring the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in the Labor Market
ESCWA publications | 2013
Managing Change-Mainstreaming Disability into the Development Process
ESCWA publications | 2012

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Optional Protocol
UN Resources | 2006
Yemen Law No. 2 of 2002 on Establishing the Fund for the Care and Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities (Available in Arabic only)
Member State documents | 2002
Yemen Prime Minister Decision No. 284 for 2002 Containing the Executive Instructions for Law 61 for 1999 (Available in Arabic only)
Member State documents | 2002
Yemen Law No. (61) of 1999 Regarding the Care and Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities (Available in Arabic only)
Member State documents | 1999
Yemen Republican Decision No. (5) of 1991 Regarding the Establishment and Formation of the Supreme National Committee for the Care of Persons with Disabilities (Available in Arabic only)
Member State documents | 1991