Digital inclusion resources
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Monitoring the Compliance of National Legal Frameworks in Arab Countries with the CRPD
ESCWA publications | 2018
Toolkit on Disability for Africa (Available in English and French only)
UN Resources | 2016
Decree No. 2.14.278 Issued on Shaaban 8, 1435 (June 6, 2014) (Available in Arabic only)
Member State documents | 2014
Royal Decree No. 1.08.143 Issued on 1 Ramadan 1432 (August 2, 2011) (Available in Arabic only)
Member State documents | 2011

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Optional Protocol
UN Resources | 2006
Decision of the Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reform No. 972.02 (Available in Arabic only)
Member State documents | 2002