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Tunisia Law No. 41 for 2016 on Revising Law No. 83 for 2005 on the Empowerment and Protection of Persons with Disabilities (Available in Arabic only)
Member State documents | 2016
Tunisia Decree No. 2006-1467 Dated May 30; 2006; Outlining the Technical Specifications for Facilitating the Movement of Persons with Disabilities (Available in Arabic only)
Member State documents | 2006
Tunisia Decree No. 2006-1477 Dated May 30; 2006; Regarding the Accessibility of Communication and Information and the Facilitation of Movement of Persons with Disabilities (Available in Arabic only)
Member State documents | 2006
UAE Federal Law No. 29 on the Rights of the Persons with Disabilities (2006) (Available in Arabic only)
United Arab Emirates
Member State documents | 2006
Tunisia Administrative Order No. 3086 for 2005 on the Creation of Regional Commissions for Persons with Disabilities (Available in Arabic only)
Member State documents | 2005
Tunisia Decree No. 3030-2005 Dated November 21; 2005 (Available in Arabic only)
Member State documents | 2005