Appendix 2 – Questionnaire for Heads of Residential Institutions

General questions

  1. Name of institution
  2. Type of institution: residential, daycare, both? 
  3. Year of establishment 
  4. Location (capital, small town, rural area)
  5. Mission of institution 
  6. Is your institution state owned, private for profit, or private not for profit?
  7. If private how much is the monthly fee?  
  8. What are the types of disabilities that your institution hosts? What are the most prevalent types?
  9. From how many countries do the inhabitants come? Which countries?
  10. Is there a council of inhabitants? On which questions is it consulted? How does it participate in decision making?

Statistical information

  1. How many PWD are hosted in your institutions? What is the distribution of inhabitants by age, gender, nationality, type of disability, duration of residence and marital status? (Any documents representing this data?)
  2. At which age are the inhabitants normally admitted to your institution? At which age do they leave (if at all)?
  3. How long do they stay on average? What is the longest and what is the shortest duration of their stay?
  4. Through which channel are they normally registered in the institution? How many come out of own choice? How many are registered by their parents or other parties? How many are orphans or abandoned? How many have been admitted involuntary or against their choice?
  5. Through which channels and why persons with disabilities leave the institution
  6. How many inhabitants need regular assistance in their daily routine (once per day, 3 times per day, more often)
  7. How many need full-time medical care? (24/7)
  8. Do you have information about the social status of the family of your inhabitants (e.g., poor, middle class, well off, elite family)? What is the distribution?
  9. Are there cases of death among residents in your institution? How many per year? Reasons? 

Education and employment

  1. What is the distribution by level of education, broken down by gender, age, type of disability and nationality?
  2. How many of the inhabitants are literate / illiterate, broken down by sex, age, type of disability and nationality?
  3. Is any education provided in-house by your institution? How?
  4. How many inhabitants are visiting special education facilities outside of the institution (distribution)
  5. How many of them are attending public schools? Private schools? Formal? Non-formal?  (distribution)
  6. How many PWD in your institution are working? How many are paid for their work? How much? 
  7. Who receives the remuneration? Distribution by gender, age, type of disability and nationality.
  8. How many of those who work are working inside the institution (distribution) How many of the PWD in the institution are employed outside (distribution)? What kind of jobs do they do? How many are employed in skilled / unskilled employment? (distribution)
  9. How is the transport to outside work and education organized?

Services and facilities in institutions

  1. Has your institution been registered and certified by an official body as being qualified for taking care of persons with disabilities? By whom?
  2. Is your institution inspected regularly? By whom? How often? Annually?
  3. Do you regularly provide reports about your institution and activities? To whom?
  4. Is the available space at the institution suitable for the number of residents? 
  5. Who are the caretakers? How many of them are regularly employed by the institution? How many male / female? 
  6. What is the fluctuation in full-time personnel?
  7. How many of these have certified qualification to provide care (nurse, specialized teacher, special needs education)? What kind of education/professionalism they have? Insist on asking for formal education.
  8. How many of them don’t have a relevant qualification?
  9. What is the staff/inhabitant ratio? 
  10. How many caretakers come on one inhabitant. How many inhabitants come on one skilled caretaker?
  11. Do caregivers take part in the overall planning of the institutions’ strategy? How? 
  12. Do you monitor caregivers’ work process? How? How do you assess their work? 
  13. How do you support caregivers’ work?
  14. How many inhabitants live in single rooms? Do these single rooms have private bathrooms?
  15. How many share rooms? How many people per room?
  16. If showers and bathrooms are shared, how many people have to share one shower? How many one bathroom?
  17. Do you have a mechanism for dealing with complaints? (from who? PWD? Caregivers? Parents?) Is it used? What is the procedure for dealing with complaints? Who deals with it? 
  18. How is the health care of the inhabitants organized? (By resident doctors in the institution? By family doctors from outside? By nearby hospitals?)
  19. Is there a resident doctor in the institution? If not, how often does the doctor visit you? In what cases? 
  20. Are there counsellors or psychologists who assess mental health of inhabitants? 
  21. Do any of the disabled inhabitants manifest signs of depression, aggression or other symptoms of mental health problems? What are the main causes of these conditions? How frequent are these cases? What happens in these cases? What kind of support do they receive? How many of them improve? 
  22. Is there a resident nurse(s) in the institution? If not, how often does the nurse visit you? And in what cases? 
  23. Do residents receive any other services including rehabilitation, physiotherapy, speech therapy, etc.? from who? Your institutions? Other institutions? Names? 
  24. What other services and facilities are offered by the institution for the PWD? (e.g., sport, cultural events)?
  25. Are there IT and internet facilities in the institution? Are they used (distribution)?
  26. Do PWD take part in decision making regarding the services and arrangements in the institution? How? 
  27. What are the main challenges that your institution face in caring for the disabled inhabitants? 
  28. What type of support would help you provide better care for these individuals? 


  1. How much does a place in the institution cost per inhabitant per month? Is it different for different types of disabilities or inhabitants?
  2. Who bears the costs? (Government? Families? Charity?)
  3. Do many families default on payments? What happens in this case? 
  4. How prohibitive / affordable are these costs for persons with disabilities from low income families? 
  5. Are there possibilities for obtaining subsidies (e.g., government, health insurance, charity)? 

Relationship with the outside community

  1. How often do the hosted PWD get out of the institution to visit their homes or anywhere else?
  2. Are they free to move in and out at their choice?
  3. How many visits do they receive a week?
  4. Who visits them? Family members, state officials, NGOs, schools?
  5. How often do the PWD see their immediate family members?
  6. What are the main reasons families mention behind admitting their relatives to institutions?  
  7. Do family members participate in any of the institution activities? Do they participate in the decision made for PWD? 
  8. Does the institution have a strategy to facilitate the inclusion of PWD in the community? 
  9. How does integration happen? Does the institution have a strategy to facilitate the inclusion of PWD in the community?
  10. What do you think about attempts to integrate disabled individuals in the society instead of housing them in institutions? 
  11. Does the institution offer IT training for integration into virtual communities and networks?

Additional useful information?
