جدول المحتويات:
Monitoring the Implementation of the Arab Decade for Disabled Persons
A study presented to the sixth session of the ESCWA Committee on Social Development (Amman, 5-7 March 2007) assessed the progress made by ESCWA member countries in the implementation of the Arab Decade for Persons with Disabilities 2004-2013.[1] The study noted that, despite some progress, actionable commitment to remove the obstacles that hinder the integration of persons with disabilities and to end all forms of discrimination against them remains elusive in the majority of countries. In terms of participatory processes, collaboration between the public and civic sectors in matters related to disability policymaking is evident to a limited extent across the region, with the exception of Lebanon, which presents a good example of partnership between Government and civil society, in that it provides for a mechanism for the formation of a National Committee for the Disabled and for a direct election of representatives of civil organizations, associations of persons with disabilities and the disabled themselves in the National Committee.
In terms of progress made in the area of rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities, the study found that several countries have introduced quota systems aimed at allocating a percentage of jobs for persons with disabilities in both the public and private sectors. On the other hand, very few incentives, if any, are provided to private employers to hire persons with disabilities and enforcement measures seem to be relatively absent. The study also reported that, in the case of the oil-rich countries of the region, financial compensation given to persons with disabilities acts as a disincentive for seeking work. In other countries, accessibility problems, discrimination, inadequate rehabilitation programmes and the mismatch between vocational training and labour market needs block the prospects of those seeking work.
[1] ESCWA, “Review of the progress made by ESCWA member countries in the implementation of the Arab Decade for Persons with Disabilities 2004-2013” (in Arabic) (E/ESCWA/SDD/2007/IG.1/5).