جدول المحتويات:
Specific Policy Recommendations
Policy recommendations to enhance the quality of the policymaking process and ensure efficient implementation are set forth below.[1]
a. Regarding policymaking
- To develop a clear and consistent definition of persons with disabilities and ensure that this definition is in line with international standards and mainstreamed into the policymaking process;
- To gather data, develop statistics and elaborate a national database on persons with disabilities and their social needs in the fields of education, health, employment and social protection;
- To enhance the participation in the policymaking process of representatives of persons with disabilities and of all parties and institutions involved in the fields of education, health, employment and social protection for persons with disabilities;
- To encourage the representation of persons with disabilities in political institutions and organizations, including the Parliament and labour unions.
b. Regarding implementation
- To delineate clearly the responsibilities of all parties and institutions involved in the delivery of social services for persons with disabilities;
- To develop mechanisms of coordination and cooperation for parties and institutions involved in the delivery of social services for persons with disabilities;
- To ensure that funding is available and that sources of funding are clearly set forth for all areas of activity;
- To establish focal points, within all ministries and governmental institutions, including at the governorate level, concerned with ensuring the rights of persons with disabilities and ensure their representation at HCAPD.[2] Policy recommendations to enhance the availability, accessibility, adaptability and acceptability of social services and, subsequently, to facilitate the equalization of opportunities for persons with disabilities are set forth below.
c. Regarding education
- To develop a policy action plan and secure resources to combat female illiteracy;
- To coordinate activities with the Madrasati Initiative and allocate a special budget to enhance the accessibility of existing school buildings, and to provide the facilities for the full and safe integration of students in the public school system as early as kindergarten;
- To increase efforts in adapting curricula to the needs of persons with disabilities;
- To integrate students with physical disabilities in schools closest to their residences, thereby overcoming the problem of transportation;
- To enhance the capacities of all concerned members of staff in the Ministry of Education system, including teachers, counsellors and school principals, to deal with students with physical disabilities in the public education system;
- To raise awareness among students and parents on the rights, abilities and capacities of persons with physical disabilities;
- To create incentives for members of staff to support the integration of students with physical disabilities and other students with disabilities by, for example, establishing an annual award for the most outstanding teachers, counsellors and school principals in student integration;
- To enhance cooperation between the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and HCAPD, and integrate the Ministry as a member in the Higher Council;
- To include private sector representatives in HCAPD and increase their involvement in developing training curricula with a view to facilitating the integration of persons with disabilities in the private sector.
d. Regarding health
- To enhance the accessibility of health centres and hospitals to accommodate persons with physical disabilities;
- To hire staff specialized in diagnostics in accordance with international standards and measurements;
- To train general and specialized health practitioners in mainstream hospitals and centres in order to enhance their understanding of the needs of persons with disabilities and enable them to treat and accept persons with disabilities among their patients.
e. Regarding employment
- To encourage the private sector to employ persons with disabilities by providing suitable incentives and exemptions from tax and customs;
- To enforce monitoring measures and apply fines pursuant to Article 12 of Law No. 31;
- To harmonize provisions regarding the employment of persons with disabilities in Article 13 of the Labour Law, and Articles 4 and 12 of Law No. 31 to clarify obligations for employers.
- Regarding social protection
- To conduct research and gather data on the interconnectedness between poverty and disability in Jordan, with a special focus on social protection needs;
- To enhance the quantity and quality of statistics on insurance and pension coverage;
- To inform persons with disabilities on their rights and on available social protection services, and facilitate their access to relevant offices of public administration;
- To develop gender-sensitive social protection programmes that account for the special needs of women with disabilities and enhance their access to social assistance and social insurance;
- To accord special attention to persons with disabilities living in rural and remote areas and ensure their equitable access to social protection services;
- To account for the special needs of seniors with disabilities by mainstreaming their needs in the National Strategy for Senior Citizens.
[1]These policy recommendations were elaborated on the basis of the study conducted and in consultation with experts from governmental and non-governmental organizations and academia in Jordan.
[2]This could be achieved by integrating responsibility for persons with disabilities into the responsibility of existing focal points in charge of gender equality and/or discrimination.