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Summary & Key Learning Points
Traditional approaches to disability have, in many ways, given rise to stigmatization and discrimination against persons with disabilities. Although this is increasingly well recognized, the Charity and Medical Models continue to be reflected in the laws and policies of many countries in the world. Legal and policy frameworks based on these older models contribute to the marginalization of persons with disabilities, for example by excluding persons with disabilities from decision-making processes and by separating persons with disabilities into segregated schools, long- term care institutions, and sheltered workshops for employment. When persons with disabilities are unable to participate fully in development, the result is social isolation and human rights violations.
The Convention moves away from traditional models of disability, and views disability as a rights issue as well as a development issue, with a focus on the participation of persons with disabilities in asserting their rights and development.
States are held accountable for implementation of the CRPD by the monitoring mechanisms and reporting requirements of the CRPD. This is the focus of this toolkit’s Module on Frameworks for Implementing and Monitoring the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
You are encouraged to do additional reading on the subject. You will find useful resources on human rights and the CRPD at the end of this module.
Best Practice Guidelines: Disability Etiquette: The following are practices to keep in mind when interacting with people with disabilities:
- Never assume you know what a person with a disability wants or needs.
- If offering any assistance, always wait for a response and then follow the individual’s instructions.
- When talking to a person with a disability, talk directly to that individual, not the friend, companion or sign language interpreter who may be present.
- Respect all assistive devices (i.e. canes, wheelchairs, crutches, communication boards) as personal property. Unless given permission, do not move, play with or use them.
- Remember that people with disabilities are interested in the same topics of conversations as individuals without disabilities.
- When introduced to a person with a disability, it is appropriate to offer to shake hands. People with limited hand use or who wear artificial limbs can usually shake hands. (Shaking hands with your left hand is an acceptable greeting.)
- If talking with a person using a wheelchair for any length of time, try to place yourself at their eye level. (This is to avoid stiff necks and “talking down” to the individual.)
- Remember to show your face while talking with someone who is deaf or hard of hearing.
- Do not shout or raise your voice unless asked to do so.
- If greeting someone who is blind or has a visual impairment, identify yourself and those who may be accompanying you.
- Do not pet or make a service dog the focus of conversation.
- Let the individual know if you move or need to end the conversation.
- When interacting with a person who is visually impaired, follow their lead. If they need assistance, they will ask.
- Allow the person to negotiate their surroundings, e.g., finding the door handle, locating a chair, etc.
- Treat adults as adults. Address people with disabilities by their first name only when extending the same familiarity to all others.
(Source: Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services)