جدول المحتويات:
Useful Resources
The following ILO Publications contain examples of good practice:
- http://www.ilo.org/skills/pubs/WCMS_168819/lang--en/index.ht
- http://www.ilo.org/skills/pubs/WCMS_167204/lang--en/index.htm
- http://www.ilo.org/skills/pubs/WCMS_161490/lang--en/index.htm
- http://www.ilo.org/skills/pubs/WCMS_160776/lang--en/index.htm
- http://www.ilo.org/skills/pubs/WCMS_150658/lang--en/index.htm
- http://www.ilo.org/skills/areas/inclusion-of-persons-with-disabilities/lang--ja/index.htm
- http://www.ilo.org/global/publications/ilo-bookstore/order- online/books/WCMS_091340/lang--en/index.htm
- http://www.ilo.org/global/publications/ilo-bookstore/order-online/books/ WCMS_091349/lang--en/index.htm
- R. Hurst, “Disabled People’s Organisations and development: strategies for change,” In Disability and development: learning from action and research on disability in the majority world. (Stone, ed., Leeds: The Disability Press, 1999).
- International Labour Office. Moving towards disability inclusion. Geneva (2011) available at: http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_emp/---ifp_skills/ documents/publication/wcms_160776.pdf
- T. Lorenzo, “We don’t see ourselves as different”: A web of possibilities for disabled women.
Unpublished PhD Dissertation, (University of Cape Town, 2005).
- T. Lorenzo, J. Motau & P. Chappell, P. Community Rehabilitation Workers as Catalysts for Disability- Inclusive Youth Development. In Lorenzo, T. (Ed). Marrying Community Development and Rehabilitation: Reality or Aspirations for Disabled People? 2 Disability Catalyst Africa Series (University of Cape Town: Disability Innovations Africa, 2012).
- T. Lorenzo, T., L. Van Niekerk, & Mdlokolo, “Economic empowerment and black disabled entrepreneurs: Negotiating partnerships in Cape Town, South Africa,” 29(5) Disability and Rehabilitation 429-436 (2007).
- P. Loyilane. We should be given a chance: Identifying barriers and enablers from disabled people’s employment in the office of the Premier of the Eastern Cape Provincial Government, South Africa, Unpublished Masters Thesis, (University of Cape Town, 2008).
- L. Ned-Matiwane, “A study to explore the capacity of family and service providers to facilitate participation of disabled youth in accessing opportunities in skills development and employment in Cofimvaba, Eastern Cape,” Unpublished Masters Thesis. (University of Cape Town, 2013).
- J. Taylor, D. Marais, and A. Kaplan, Action Learning. A Developmental Approach to Change. CDRA Nuggets (2005), available: www.cdra.org.za.
- Netcare: www.netcare.co.za
- US Department of Labor, Job Accommodation Network website, available at: http://askjan.org/
- World Health Organization and World Bank, World Report on Disability (2011).
- Zero Project: www.zeroproject.org (2020).