Learning Activity 2.D. A Plan to Address Barriers to Health Care

Objective: To devise a number of strategies to overcome barriers to the inclusion of persons with disabilities in health services.

Part 1

In your group, you have been assigned one specific barrier to heath care. Imagine you are in charge of convening a meeting to find solutions to this barrier – this meeting may be held at local level with DPOs and community leaders, within an organization such as a hospital or clinic, or at national level with policy-makers

Together, and focusing on your assigned issue, develop an invitation list, an agenda, and proposed solutions to this barrier. Use the following questions to guide your discussion:


  1. What is the barrier at hand? How does this affect persons with disabilities?
  1. What objective(s) do you hope to attain through the outcome of this meeting?
  1. Who should you invite to this meeting? What might be their contributions towards achieving the objective?
  1. What solutions will you propose for addressing this barrier? Who can be assigned to each specific part of the solution in order to ensure its implementation and effectiveness?

Part 2

You will be expected to present your plan back to plenary, so use the materials available to create a visual support for your presentation.

Be sure to provide the answers to all of the above questions in your presentation.


You have 40 minutes to complete Part 1. Your presentation should be no longer than 5 minutes.