Article 8 Awareness-raising

  1. States Parties undertake to adopt immediate, effective and appropriate measures:
    1. To raise awareness throughout society, including at the family level, regarding persons with disabilities, and to foster respect for the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities;
    2. To combat stereotypes, prejudices and harmful practices relating to persons with disabilities, including those based on sex and age, in all areas of life;
    3. To promote awareness of the capabilities and contributions of persons with disabilities.
  2. Measures to this end include:
    1. Initiating and maintaining effective public awareness campaigns designed:
      1. To nurture receptiveness to the rights of persons with disabilities;
      2. To promote positive perceptions and greater social awareness towards persons with disabilities;
      3. To promote recognition of the skills, merits and abilities of persons with disabilities, and of their contributions to the workplace and the labour market;
    2. Fostering at all levels of the education system, including in all children from an early age, an attitude of respect for the rights of persons with disabilities;
    3. Encouraging all organs of the media to portray persons with disabilities in a manner consistent with the purpose of the present Convention;
    4. Promoting awareness-training programmes regarding persons with disabilities and the rights of persons with disabilities.