Learning Activity 2.B: Defining Disability

Objective: To discuss definitions of disability in an African development context.

Undertake some research in your country or countries. Find three or four different definitions of disability. You might find these in national legislation, or developed by disabled persons’ organizations, or in national action plans or policy documents. Analyse each of the definitions and comment on the following issues:

  1. Do you think the language used to refer to people with disabilities is appropriate? Does it represent them first as persons who have rights, with many different characteristics, or first as disabled members of society?
  2. What do you think was the root of the definition? Can you relate it to a traditional, medical or social approach to disability?
  3. Is there any attention to women or other social groups such as the elderly, children, non-dominant ethnic groups?
  4. How satisfied do you feel with the definitions you found?

You have about 15 minutes to do some preliminary research and another 15 minutes to respond to the questions.