Salary levels for social care personnel and interval care service providers

Figure 1. Salaries in Estonia by sector, 2021–2022

Chart that reads the monthly gross wages and salaries by economic activity, 2nd quarter, 2021-2022 in Estonia. Source: Statistics Estonia. All salaries are between almost 800 euros and 3,100 euros. The sectors are Information and communication, Financial and insurance activities, Electricity, gas, steam and air co..., Public administration and defenc...sector, Mining and quarrying Professional, scientific and tech..., Human health and social work a..., AVERAGE, Water supply; sewerage, waste ..., Transportation and storage, Manufacturing, Education, Construction, Wholesale and retail trade; repair..., Administrative and support servi..., Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Arts, entertainment and recreation, Other service activities, Real estate activities, and Accommodation and food service. There was a marginal growth in salaries across these sectors between the second quarter of 2021 and the second quarter of 2022.

Source: Statistics Estonia.

Figure 1 shows that salaries have increases have occurred in all sectors since 2021. Figures for health care and social protection are just above average, but that is because the health sector is included within social care statistics.[1]

According to the aforementioned review of all 23 service providers of interval care for young adults seeking a solution for independent living, the service is mostly offered by private or grassroots-level stakeholders. Two case studies are provided in the present paper to explore how public funding has been used to develop the offer – in both cases, EU funds have been used. In one case, it was necessary for the service provider to use a substantial amount of their own funds.

Today, salaries for those providing interval care are posing problems. With rising prices for electricity, fuel prices, food, and other needs, it is absolutely necessary for the per diem rate to be increased by the State. In a situation where significant flexibility for the user is guaranteed by the providers and there is a high level of dependency from service users, a considerable increase is needed.

[1]      Statistics Estonia (n.d.).