Table of contents:
The National Technical Guidelines on e-Accessibility for the Arab Region were developed under the framework of the Arab Digital Inclusion Platform (ADIP) project. Ms. Mirna El Hajj Barbar and Mr. Nawar Al-Awa supervised the work, coordinated efforts, conducted reviews, and solicited feedback from the following colleagues at the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA): Ms. Gisela Nauk, Mr. Alaa Sebeh, Ms. Sumaya Almajthoob, Ms. Lize Denner, and Ms. Zahr Bou Ghanem.
Special thanks and appreciation go to Mr. Baha Khasawneh, ESCWA consultant, for his efforts to compile all available data and related activities, despite the difficult circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
ESCWA would also like to thank all Arab country delegates and experts who contributed to the online consultative meeting, held on 10 and 11 November 2020, and provided their comments to enhance the present report.