Table of contents:
Appendix 4 – Questionnaire for Persons with Disabilities
Experience in and perception of the institution
- For how long have you been living in this institution?
- What was the reason for coming to an institution?
- Whose decision was it for you to come to an institution?
- For how long do you anticipate to stay at this institution? What factors would determine this?
- Are you staying in this institution out of your free will? Why?
- What do you think of the quality of services you receive at this institution?
- How would you describe your relationship with your caregivers? Do they treat you well?
- How would you describe your relationship with other residents?
- Do you get the autonomy you need in managing your time and space, and to make priorities the way you see fit?
- How easy for you is it to move in and out of the institution? How often you do that per month?
- Would you like to leave this institution? Why? What do you need to be able to leave and live outside? What is stopping you from doing so?
- Where would you like to live and with who?
- Do you have any friends inside the institution?
- Are you bullied or violated by anyone inside the institution? By who? And how?
- Please select which of the following facilities isn’t available at your institution: internet, phone, private bathrooms, garden, physiotherapy, counselling, speech therapy, sports, pool, TV in each room, common areas).
- How would you describe the quality of services provided in this institution? – including food, shelter, cleanliness, privacy, attention by caregivers, healthcare, education, opportunity for employment, access to nearby community, etc. - (each can be evaluated as good, fair, or bad).
- Is there a daily doctor in the institution? is he/she helpful when you need them?
Relationship with family and community
- Are you in contact with your family members? Friends? Colleagues? Outside the institutions? How frequently? By phone? Do they come and visit you here? How often?
- Do any of your family members come and visit you?
Who? How often?
- Do you visit them at their place?
How often?
- How would you describe your relationship with your parents?
- Do you experience any discrimination when you are outside the institution? Where? What type of discrimination or harassment?
- Are you bullied or violated by anyone outside the institution? By who? And how?
Attitude and expectations / Education and work
- Were you at school before coming to this institution? Was it a special school or mainstream?
- If yes, what was the highest certification you attained? Did you have any learning difficulties?
- If not, why weren’t you enrolled?
- Did you drop out at any point before finishing the program/degree? If yes, why?
- What kind of activities are you involved in at this time? (Job, school, religious activities, family events, sports and recreation, etc.) PLEASE SPECIFY.
- Are you currently receiving any kind of education? please specify grade/degree, formal/informal, vocational/academic, etc.
- Are you facing any learning difficulties?
- Describe your relationship to your teacher.
- Are you intending to continue your higher education?
- Have you ever worked before? What type of work was it?
- Why did you leave your work?
- How would you describe your previous work conditions?
- Do you currently work?
- Inside or outside the institution?
- How would you describe your work conditions?
- If they don’t work, are you willing to work in the future?
- If yes, are you doing anything in the meantime to reach this end?
- If not, why not?
Autonomy and self-determination
- Where do you see yourself 5 years from now? where would you be living? Career life? Family life? Community life?
- To what extent are you actively making decisions with regards to your own life (accommodation, marriage, education, work)? Why? Why not?
- Do you at any point feel overpowered or coerced by an individual or a group to act in certain ways or make certain decisions? If yes, by who? and how
- What do you need to be able to be fully independent and to manage your own life?
Any other thoughts or experience you would like to share?