جدول المحتويات:
The head of the institution described having a large and proficient team of staff that took good care of the residents. The team consisted of 80 caregivers, of whom there were 15 lower-skilled helpers and 65 higher-skilled staff including 34 nurses, 18 special educators, three occupational therapists, seven physiotherapists, one dietitian, one psychologist and one social worker.
The head of the institution reported always being present in assisting caregivers with their work. Two heads for any department alternated between day and night shifts, observing different areas.
Caregivers complained of overly demanding work and low wages but acknowledged that the head of the institution allowed for flexible scheduling. In focus groups, staff reported challenges with the large number of residents, the unwillingness of family members to communicate with the institution, and residents’ aggressive and depressive behaviours, which caregivers described as a result of missing their family members.