جدول المحتويات:
Participation in Decisions
The head of the institution stated that there was no council for residents to take part in decision-making because the only decisions they were capable of making were related to their life at the institution, such as food choices or where to go on outings.
When asked if they had autonomy in managing their time and space, the interviewed residents, all of whom were over 18, unanimously answered by saying that they felt free to make their own decisions. Multiple residents referenced being able to sleep and go outside as they wished.
One of the residents stated that she could leave the institution provided she had the permission of a family member. A resident with mobility difficulties reported feeling confined to his room when the elevator was out of service.
Some of the interviewed residents reported feeling overpowered and coerced by the institution and their parents to act in certain ways, or to make decisions that affected their personal lives. One resident felt coerced when his family moved him from one centre to another without his consent or prior knowledge.