An Overview of the Situation for Health

Table 4 lists the status of health insurance for persons with physical disabilities broken down by gender. The sources of health insurance for persons with physical disabilities are public, private or military. The table shows that the rate of health insurance coverage for persons with disabilities is relatively low, with 58.5 per cent of persons with physical disabilities possessing health insurance.  This rate, however, does not contrast starkly with that of the general Jordanian population, at 61.8 per cent.  The table reveals a gender gap in health insurance coverage, with a lower number of insured women with disabilities compared to their male counterparts.

Table 4.  Distribution of Jordanians with physical disabilities by health insurance status and gender

  Men Percentage Women Percentage Total Percentage
Insured 11 361 57.2 7 839 60.7 19 200 58.5
Not insured 8 466 42.6 5 055 39.1 13 521 41.2
Unknown 48 0.2 24 0.2 72 0.3
Total 19 875 100.0 12 918 100.0 32 793 100.0
Source: Department of Statistics (DOS), 2004.