H. Structure of service provision

As of the third quarter of 2022, the Estonian Agrenska Foundation had a total of 170 employees for all of its services, of which 12 employees conducted its special care services for interval care leading to independent living. Capacity for services was as follows:

  • Support for daily activities: 15 places.
  • Interval care for preparing for independent living: 13 places.
  • Supported employment: 6 places.

Figure 3. Paid taxes, taxable turnover and number of employees for Estonian Agrenska Foundation, 2020–2022

Two visual representations are presented. In the initial figure, a pair of line graphs depict the changes in national taxes and taxes on workforce from 2015 to 2022. There exists a marginal variance in the yearly values, with a noticeable upward trend in income tax over time. The recorded values range from 5,000 euros to 80,000 euros. The subsequent figure portrays a single line graph showing the employee count between 2017 and 2022. The current employee numbers demonstrate a relatively consistent pattern, though a slight decrease is observable since early 2021. The showcased employee count values span from 100 to 200.