Table of contents:
The Government of Jordan. National Commission for Women. 1993. The National Strategy for Women in Jordan.
__________. Department of Statistics (DOS). 2004. Population and Housing Census 2004. Available at:
__________. Executive Programme 2007-2009 for the National Agenda.
__________. Higher Council for Youth. 2004. National Youth Strategy for Jordan, 2005-2009. December.
__________. Law No. 31 for the Year 2007: Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
__________. 2005. Jordan’s National Mine Action Plan: Safeguarding Life and Promoting Development, 2005-2009. June.
__________. National Council for Family Affairs. 2005. The National Strategy for the Jordanian Family: Summary. September.
__________. National Agenda: The Jordan We Strive For, 2006-2015.
__________. 2007. National Disability Strategy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, 2007-2015.
6 February.
__________. National Council for Family Affairs. 2008. National Jordanian Strategy for Senior Citizens.
__________. Social Security Corporation. 2008. Social security in numbers (in Arabic).
Vol. 7.
International Labour Office (ILO). 1983. ILO Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) Convention No. 159.
League of Arab States Arab. 1993. Agreement No. 1993/17 on the Rehabilitation and Employment of the Disabled (in Arabic).
Nagata, K. K. 2008. Disability and Development: Is the Rights Model of Disability Valid in the Arab Region? An Evidence-based Field Survey in Lebanon and Jordan. Asia Pacific Disability Rehabilitation Journal. Vol. 19, No. 1.
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). 1994. CESCR. General Comment 5 on Persons with Disabilities. 9 December.
OHCHR and the World Health Organization (WHO). 2008. Human Rights, Health and Poverty Reduction Strategies. Health and Human Rights Publications Series. No. 5. December.
OHCHR and the United Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU). 2007. From Exclusion to Equality: Realizing the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. No. 14.
United Nations. 2006. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol.
United Nations Enable. Factsheet on Persons with Disabilities. Available at:
United Nations General Assembly. 1993. Standard Rules for the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (A/RES/48/96). 20 December.
United Nations Human Rights Council. 2007. The Right to Education of Persons with Disabilities: Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education. 19 February.
World Bank and the Government of Jordan. 2004. Jordan Poverty Assessment. Vol. 1. December.
World Bank, Human Development Department, Middle East and North Africa. 2005. A Note on Disability Issues in the Middle East and North Africa. 30 June.