Resource Type: ESCWA publications
Inclusion Topics: Equality and Non-discrimination
Member States: Jordan
Table of contents:
Mapping Inequity: Persons with Physical Disabilities in Jordan
This report adopts a rights-based approach to map the access of persons with physical disabilities to social services in Jordan and assess the extent to which they enjoy equal opportunities and are socially integrated. This rights-based approach calls for a thorough assessment of the “4 A’s”, i.e. the availability, accessibility, adaptability and acceptability of social services for all members of society. It thus puts special emphasis on the environmental factors and policy gaps constraining the “4 A’s” and preventing the social integration of vulnerable groups. Accordingly, the objectives of this study are (a) to set forth the social, legal and institutional barriers preventing persons with physical disabilities in Jordan from fully enjoying their right to education, health, employment and social protection and (b) to gauge the ability of social policies to lift these barriers and facilitate the overcoming of inequity for this group.
It testifies of the political will and commitment of the Jordanian Government to promote equitable opportunities for persons with physical disabilities, while highlighting unequal progress in the different policy domains. Indeed, some fields, including primary and secondary education or social assistance, receive the lion’s share of policymakers’ attention, while others, such as higher education, require more efforts. In addition, the paper underscores the focus of policymakers on enhancing the availability and accessibility of social services for persons with physical disabilities and points to the challenge of improving their adaptability and acceptability.