Resource Type: Member State documents
Inclusion Topics: Accessibility
Member States: Morocco
Morocco National Plan of Action 2017-2021 to Implement Public Policy (States the Establishment of a New Disability Assessment System) (Available in Arabic only)
This 5-year Plan of Action was formulated by Morocco to implement the "Integrated Public Policy to Advance the Rights of Persons with Disabilities", it includes 6 main pillars, one of them relates to transitioning to a CRPD-compliant disability assessment system.
This integrated public policy for the advancement of the rights of persons with a disability, which was a requirement of all actors from governmental sectors, national institutions and civil society associations, is a practical expression of the special importance that the Kingdom of Morocco attaches to this group, and its constant work to protect their rights and preserve their dignity, in a way that qualifies them to fully engage in General Life.
The adoption of this integrated public policy is a national response to the various expectations expressed by these actors during all stages of its preparation, for which a national implementation program will be developed to ensure the proper download of its contents extended by 2021J, specifying the measures taken and implementation indicators, as well as the obligations of all government sectors, each according to its competencies. Mechanisms for monitoring and supervision have also been established through the delineation of the ministerial committee charged with tracking the implementation of strategies and programs related to the advancement of the rights of persons with disabilities, and the technical committee emanating from it.