Resource Type: ESCWA publications
Inclusion Topics: Accessibility
Member States: Regional
Table of contents:
National e-Accessibility Policy Template for the Arab Region
Digital accessibility has become one of the basics of working in various fields, and a condition for obtaining services. This is due to the expansion of digital services, which include government websites, services and applications on phones and smart devices, and the large and medium private sector entering the circle of providing public services, including financial, health, educational, rehabilitation and transportation services. The private sector has also entered the cycle of providing services related to consumption, including shopping.
And based on the global position supported by the United Nations to intensify development efforts and leave no one outside the development process, the United Nations quickly adopted the concept of digital accessibility to help countries make their development path inspired by the concept of inclusiveness.
ESCWA, in the Arab Digital Inclusion Platform (ADIP) project - which supports policymakers in the Arab countries to develop / update their national policies and technical guidelines for digital accessibility to match the priorities set at the national level and contribute to bridging the digital divide and enabling all members of society to access technology Information and Communication - developed two models to support Arab countries in developing digital accessibility policies, including the ESCWA model on the national policy for digital accessibility in the Arab region, presented in this publication.