Session Sheet for the Trainer – The Right of Persons with Disabilities to Work, Session 2

Key Messages

See the summary and key learning points.


By the end of this session, participants will have highlighted approaches to facilitating employment for persons with disabilities.

Room Arrangement

Tables for small group work with 4-6 people. White boards with pins, paper and cards.


5 mins – Step 1 of Learning Activity 2.D

20 mins – Step 2 of LA 2.D. (Consultation Meetings) 20 mins – Step 3 of LA 2.D. (Plenary Role Play (x2) 15 mins – Step 4 of LA 2.D


30 mins – Plenary summary and wrap-up


90 minutes

Notes for a Training Team

one employer and one employee for each role play). Divide the rest into four groups. These groups are to be consulting groups and follow the directions on the Learning Activity 2.D task sheet.


Do not let anyone apart from the role players see the brief. The key is that the two role players in each scenario are not fully aware of the issues. Ensure that the plenary conversation highlights the keys to successful facilitation of employment of people with disabilities.


While the groups are preparing Step 1, brief the role players on what is expected of them, but do not let them know what information the other role players have.


During the summary discussion, give a brief input on the difference between universal access and reasonable accommodation.

Task Sheets

Learning Activity 2.D.: Facilitating Employment for Persons with Disabilities


Handout: Scenarios (4)