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Handout: Scenario Two (b): Highlighting Accessibility Issues
The Situation
This person got a job three months ago, but in a different office. All offices were housed in park homes. One park home that was utilized for bathroom facilities, but had no accessible entrance at all. As a result, the person could not access the bathroom when s/ he was at work. After a couple of weeks, you heard that s/he had complained and so s/he was moved to your team.
The Supervisor
You are playing the role of a supervisor. In a local government office and are stationed in a local service office. Six weeks ago, you were told you have to take this person that uses a wheelchair into your team. You don’t really have any complaints about the person’s work, but s/he is just not reliable, is often late for work and sometimes does not even bother to come at all. You dare not say anything because you are worried that s/he will complain that you are against people with disabilities at work, which in general you are not, but this person just seems either lazy or not interested and you cannot rely on him/her.
Tomorrow is your first proper one to one meeting with him/her since s/he arrived, so you have decided today to go and seek some advice from the new consulting group that helps facilitate the employment of people with disabilities, to see how to start proceedings to get rid of someone that is just not reliable.