Case Study on E-Accessibility: Oman

Oman has outperformed many nations in accessibility adoption for persons with disabilities. It currently ranks sixteenth in the 2020 DARE Index.[1] Digital accessibility and the inclusion of persons with disabilities in Omani society received great attention and commitment from the Government. It issued the Law on the Care and Rehabilitation of the Disabled in 2008, which established rehabilitation centres to further the cause of disability. Furthermore, in 2009, the Information Technology Authority of Oman developed its main portal to be fully accessible for all citizens and residents. This was complemented with awareness programmes within governmental organizations to build web-accessible sites, in accordance with best practices and international guidelines. This initiative was extended to the private sector to ensure that all sectors complied with government e-transformation plans.

The e-accessibility policy of Oman has two major components.[2] The first is based on the use of ICT devices by all persons with disabilities, and the availability of data and information in a form that suits their impairment. The second component addresses the use of assistive ICT products and tools to access e-services and applications. The policy calls on all governmental entities and private businesses to adhere to the requirements by providing equal access for persons with disabilities to all types of information, services, applications, and websites, and to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities in their regulations and practices. The policy also calls for WCAG2.0 adoption and compliance for all websites and e-services.

Oman tourist sites and hotels are marketed by major booking services as having the best-equipped facilities worldwide for both physical and digital accessibility. The Oman e-government portal, Omanuna,[3] includes all e-services provided for the public in an accessible fashion with links to 285 e-services and 168 accessible forms. It also includes a dedicated page on accessibility that defines the term, with a link to the accessibility policy. In addition, the page provides a list of accessibility guidelines, features and shortcuts derived from WCAG standards to assist users and persons with disabilities.