Learning Activity 2.D: Additional Trainer’s Notes

To start this learning activity, divide the participants into stakeholder groups; this will depend on the number of participants in the room, but there should be one set of:

  • National government officials
  • Provincial, municipal, and local government officials
  • Elected representatives
  • DPOs and civil society organizations
  • International, regional and sub-regional organizations.

Next, distribute to each group the handout with the phases for the development and implementation of a NAP, as well as the Learning Activity description. They will have to decide, in their stakeholder groups, to which actions and commitments they believe they can and wish to contribute. Make sure they are clear about their priorities.

After this initial group work, you can close the session in one of two ways depending on your time allowance:

1. Group Action Planning (if you have time)

In this option, each stakeholder group will come back to a plenary meeting and together the participants will decide an action plan for the development of one NAP. Ask them to answer these three questions:

  1. Who will be in charge of what?
  2. What do they believe is a priority?
  3. What do they think is less of a priority?

Whether or not they come to an agreement or conclusion, the summary discussion can focus on the following two questions:

  1. Who had a voice in the conversation and who didn’t?
  2. Who, at the table, has different priorities?
  3. Did anyone raise issues related to women or other people with disabilities from traditionally marginalized groups?

You can conclude the summary conversation by asking: What’s the way forward?

Stakeholder Feedback (if you have less time)

If you have less time, you can skip over the plenary roundtable debate and simply take feedback from each group.

Your summary conversation can focus on the following questions:

  1. Who has different priorities?
  2. Did anyone raise issues relating to women or other people with disabilities from traditionally marginalized groups?
  3. Which stakeholders can be called upon at each stage in the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Disability National Action Plan?