Handout: Phases for the Development of NAPS



Preparatory Phase

Define the lead institution for the planning process Consult within government

Consult with NGOs and other interested groups

Appoint focal points (as per CRPD provision) Develop draft principles

Government endorsement Public announcement

Organize initial meeting with    interested groups

Developmental Phase

Undertake sex-disaggregated data collection exercise

Convene frequent meetings of coordinating committee


Assessment exercise


Conceptualize plan


Establish secretariat


Establish sectoral working groups


Consult with NGOs and other interested groups


Public meetings and public hearings


Prepare baseline study


Identify priorities, issues for special focus, needs of vulnerable groups


Establish links with other national planning activities


Draft plan


Consider time frames


Consider legal status

Implementation Phase

Launch plan

Hold regular meetings of coordinating committee Work with implementing partners

Action by implementing agencies and partners

Consultation and networking

Launch media and dissemination strategy

Raise awareness of disability inclusion in implementation Confirm legal status – e.g. endorsement by Parliament

Monitoring Phase

Appoint a steering committee including DPOs Develop agreed reporting formats

Conduct semi-annual assessments by coordinating committee

Input by civil society Consultation and networking

Feedback to implementing agencies Reports to parliament and general public

Evaluation Phase

Consider annual reports Appoint review panel

Reports to parliament and general public Recommendations for successor plan