Table of contents:
The government shall take all effective administrative procedures, and provide the necessary equipment to ensure that persons with disabilities enjoy their civil and political rights. The Government is committed to providing offices to give special services for people with disabilities in all its institutions and governmental bodies including a sign language interpreter and a supporter to serve the blind to ensure they enjoy their rights on an equal basis with others.
The Government shall commit to taking all effective administrative and organizational measures to ensure the inclusion of state plans and development programs and the government’s program of action on all the needs and services to persons with disabilities, currently and in the future.
The Government is committed to providing precautionary, counseling, and habilitation services in all the country’s health centers, taking into account the special needs of persons with disabilities. It shall also work to reduce the causes of disability before and during pregnancy, and after childbirth, and also provide them with medical treatment abroad if necessary.
The Government is committed to providing different specialized medical cadres, technical, assisting, and trained to provide therapeutic services for persons with disabilities in all governmental health centers and hospitals in the country on an equal basis with others. The Government is also committed to providing specialized teams to provide health care and physiotherapy for the disabled at home, while their need for this care is determined by the competent technical committee.
The Government is committed to providing educational services for persons with disabilities, and for the two categories of slow learning and learning difficulties on an equal basis with others, taking into account the special needs of communication, language and simplified arrangements needed, and providing specialized educational and professional cadres to them, raising their efficiency, and giving them moral and material incentives. The rights and needs of persons with disabilities, learning difficulties and slow learning shall be taken into account in all educational and vocational tests or approval tests by civil or governmental bodies. The Government is committed to providing audio and visual means necessary, and adequate guarantees to creating an atmosphere acceptable to help them complete their education. The Ministry of Education is to provide training courses for all teachers in government schools to detect cases of learning difficulties and slow learning and know how to deal with them according to their individual needs. The authority also guarantees the costs of tests for the evaluation of slow learning and learning difficulties, provided that the Ministry of Education is to provide centers specialized in such tests from the date of applying this law.
The Government shall take all effective and organizing administrative arrangements required for the integration of persons with disabilities, learning difficulties and slow learning in various stages of education in the educational and habilitating curricula commensurate with their sensory, physical, and mental capabilities, enabling them to integrate into society, work and be productive.
The Government is committed to allocating a share of the missions and scholarship seats it provides in all government bodies within and outside Kuwait for people with disabilities, according to the conditions and regulations established by a resolution from the authority, according to the type and degree of disability.
The Government is committed to providing training habilitation centers, and rehabilitation centers, and training workshops for people with disabilities, and centers of residential care for necessary cases in all the provinces, and providing them people with the experience and efficiency of technical cadres, provided this shall be within eight years from the date of applying this law.