A monthly allowance is paid for the disabled till the age of 18, in which the authority determines its amount depending on the report of the competent technical committee in accordance to the type and degree of the disability, and it shall continue to be paid if the disabled person continues university studies until the age of 28. The woman taking care of a disabled with a severe disability, and has no work deserves a monthly allowance according to the terms and regulations set by the authority. The monthly allowance is stopped in the case of disability recovery according to a certificate from the competent committee.


Provisions of the following articles of this chapter are applicable to people with severe and moderate disabilities unless otherwise is mentioned.


A marriage pension shall be paid to Kuwaiti people with disabilities equal to what their peers of non-disabilities receive, even if the wife is non-Kuwaiti, under an official marriage contract attested in the state of Kuwait.


People with disabilities and their family, whom the provisions of enjoying the residential care apply to, deserve an allowance amounting to ten thousand Kuwaiti Dinars added to the value of the residential loan allocated for their peers of non-disabilities in order to build the residence according to what they need of special specifications, and according to the terms and regulations of which a resolution is issued by the authority in agreement with the bank of savings and credit. People with simple disabilities or their family shall be offered an amount of five thousand Kuwaiti Dinars. In all circumstances, the monthly deduction of the bank installment for the disabled persons in loan payment method may not exceed 5% of their monthly salary, and a maximum of fifty Kuwaiti Dinars per month.


A family with one member that is disabled deserves a real estate loan from the savings and credit bank, and the provision of article 30 of the law no. 47 of 1993 regarding residential care is not applicable unless the amount of the estate they received exceeds the amount stated in the article adding to it 50% of that amount.


People with disabilities, or their family to whom the terms of enjoying the residential care apply, are granted nominal seniority not exceeding five years of residential care according to the type and degree of the disability.


A Kuwaiti woman married to a non-Kuwaiti taking care of a child or a husband with a severe disability is granted a residence with special specifications for the purpose of benefiting from them.


Social allowance legally decided for the children is increased by 100% of its original value for each child with disabilities, and the number of children with disabilities alone determines the amount of this allowance. Pensions for people who deserve this increase on its basis are re-settled, and financial compensations are not paid for the period previous to the date of applying this law. And in all circumstances, the allowance stated hereunder in this article does not apply to any deductions in case of pension resettlement, and people with disabilities shall keep the allowance referred to when distributing the shares of the pension for those who deserve it.


The disabled person is exempt from paying all governmental fees for public services.


Apart from provisions of the civil service law and system referred to, the employed woman with disability deserves a special vacation with full salary, not counted from her other vacation, if she is pregnant, and the competent technical committee recommends that her condition requires that, and the employed woman with disabilities in governmental, civil, and oil sectors deserves birth vacation for seventy days with full salary, and maternity care vacation after birth vacation for four months with full salary followed by six months with half salary according to what is recommended by the competent technical committee.


Apart from provisions of the civil service law and system referred to, the disabled employee is excepted from provisions of organizing medical vacations according to what the competent technical authority decides, and according to the terms and regulations to which a resolution is issued by the authority according to the type and degree of disability. The employee who takes care of a child or a spouse with disabilities deserves a special vacation with full salary, not counted from his/her other vacation, if he/she was a companion of the disabled for treatment outside or inside the state of Kuwait according to what the competent technical committee decides.


The disabled employee or the employee taking care of a child or a spouse with a moderate or severe disability deserves a two hour daily decrease in working hours and should be paid according to the terms and regulations to which a resolution is issued by the Authority.


Apart from the provisions of social insurances law, and the law of military personnel salaries, the insured or the beneficial who is decided as a disabled by the competent technical committee deserves a pension amounting 100% of the salary if the counted service period reached at least 15 years for the males and 10 years for the females, and in this case it is not required to reach a certain age to obtain such pension.


Apart from the provisions of the social insurance law and the law of military personnel salaries, the insured and the beneficiary who are legally responsible for the care of a disabled with moderate or severe disability deserves a pension amounting to 100% of the salary if the counted service period reaches at least 20 years for the males and 15 years for the females, and in this case, reaching a certain age is not required to obtain such a pension, according to the terms and regulations set by the authority in agreement with the social insurance institutions.


The person with disability who is unable to work deserves a disability salary according to terms and situations to which a resolution is issued by the authority. It is not allowed to have together this pension and the monthly deduction deserved according to article (29) and the pension deserved according to article (41) of this law or according to the laws of social insurance or salaries and pensions of the military personnel referred to, and the disabled is paid the larger pension of them.


Tools, reparative and habilitation instruments, individual vehicles equipped for the use of people with disabilities of all kind are exempt from fees and taxes. The Government shall work to provide people with disabilities with reparative instruments they need for free according to the report of the competent technical committee.


The disabled, whom the committee decides their disability requires it, will be granted the help of a driver or a servant. An allowance determined by the authority according to the terms and regulations is set, on the condition that it is not less than 100 Kuwaiti Dinars.


The disabled person is granted a disability card that guarantees enjoying the services and privileges decided in this law, according to the terms and regulations to which a resolution is issued by the authority, according to the certificate issued by the competent technical committee with determining the type of disability on the database at the official bodies of the state.