The Authority shall determine, in agreement with the concerned body, training and qualification stages, and admission requirements for persons with disabilities in habilitation and training centers, and cases where exemption from some of these conditions is allowed. The Authority shall approve vocational habilitation certificates to be registered in the department of Civil Service and the program of restructuring the workforce, and the executive body, give them priority of assignment in jobs and occupations, taking into account the rules of determining the level of assignment and the conditions of positions prescribed by law.


Governmental and civil bodies and the oil sector that use at least fifty Kuwaitis are committed to use a percentage of persons with disabilities qualified professionally that is no less than 4% of Kuwaiti workers they have. None of these bodies has the right to refuse assigning candidates of the persons with disabilities to work for them without an acceptable reason other than disability. The state provides incentive programs for employers that employ more than the specified percentages of people with disabilities. The Government may provide material support to bodies that exceed these percentages. A resolution for the terms of support is issued by the competent authority upon the offer of the General Authority.


Different employing bodies are committed to identifying professions and job vacancies for people with disabilities according to their specialties, and providing a periodical statement every six months for the Service Bureau, the Authority, the program for restructuring workforce, and the executive body. The work body shall take simplified procedures and prepare an appropriate working environment to enable them to integrate into the work environment.


The Authority shall determine the necessary procedures to guarantee the prevention of all forms of abuse to persons with disabilities at work.


The State guarantees the right for persons with disabilities to enjoy job promotions; privileges and rewards in governmental, civil, and oil sectors, and those who are distinct have the priority for that.