Table of contents:
Phase I: Assessment of Data Availability
Phase I included the assessment of data availability in the national statistical offices of ESCWA member countries, compiled from household surveys and censuses. The selection of the indicators followed the recommended tabulations of the Principals and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, Rev. 3. Other key development indicators also selected in consultation with ESCWA Social Development Division, the United Nations Statistic Division (UNSD), Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
Forty-eight disability indicators were identified as being collected in the region on people with and without disabilities, in the areas of population, education, employment, occupation and industry, all disaggregated by sex, age and location. The statistics and indicators collected from national sources have been published by ESCWA.[1] In addition to the 48 indicators there are five SDG indicators collected by the Arab countries. These five SDG indicators are counted among the SDG indicators identified in Phase II and are as follows:
- 4.3.1 Participation rate of youth and adults in formal and non-formal education and training in the previous 12 months, by sex;
- 8.5.2 Unemployment rate, by sex, age and persons with disabilities;
- 8.6.1 Proportion of youth (aged 15-24 years) not in education, employment or training;
- 8.7.1 Proportion and number of children aged 5‑17 years engaged in child labour, by sex and age;
- 9.2.2 Manufacturing employment as a proportion of total employment.
Nevertheless, the data compilation exercises that ESCWA undertook revealed a dire need for capacity-building to address differences in implementation practices at the national level. These include challenges encountered in collecting data for standardized indicators, especially those relating to poverty, violence, access to water and sanitation, public transport, mobile phone and internet access and benefits received.
The outcome of this exercise was documented and published in the Regional Guidebook to Improve Disability Data Collection and Analysis in the Arab Countries. Moreover, the metadata for these indicators including method of compilation and calculation are available in ESCWA Handbook on Disability Indicators. The 48 indicators are listed in table 1.
Population | |
1 | Prevalence of disability by sex and location |
2 | Proportion of persons with disabilities by type of disability, sex and location |
3 | Distribution of persons with disabilities by severity and type of disability, sex, age and location |
4 | Share of females with disabilities by type of disability, age and location |
5 | Distribution of persons with multi-dimensional disability by number of functional disability domains (at least one domain, two domains, three or more domains), sex and location |
6 | Age-sex distribution of population by disability status and location |
7 | Age-sex distribution of persons with disabilities by type of disability and location |
8 | Proportion of age-specific population by disability status, sex and location |
9 | Proportion of age-specific persons with disabilities by type of disability, sex and location |
10 | Sex ratio by disability status, age and location |
11 | Proportion of population living in household or in institution by disability status, sex, age and location |
12 | Proportion of households with one or more persons with disabilities, by type and size of household and location |
13 | Proportion of population (18+ years) by disability status, living arrangements (living alone and not living alone), sex and location |
14 | Proportion of persons with disabilities (18+ years) by type of disability, living arrangements, sex and location |
15 | Proportion of population (18+ years) living alone by disability status, house ownership, sex and location |
16 | Distribution of population with disability by cause of disability, sex and location |
17 | Prevalence of disability in population (15+ years) by marital status, sex, age and location |
18 | Age-sex distribution of population by disability status, marital status and location |
19 | Proportion of age-specific population by disability status, marital status, sex and location |
Quality education | |
20 | Proportion of population (5+, 15+ and 25+ years) by disability status, educational attainment, sex and location |
21 | Proportion of persons with disabilities (5+, 15+ and 25+ years) by type of disability, educational attainment, sex and location |
22 | Proportion of population (5-29 years) by disability status, school attendance, sex and location |
23 | Proportion of persons with disabilities (5-29 years) by type of disability, school attendance, sex and location |
24 | Proportion of out of school population (primary school age 6-11, lower secondary school age 12-14) by disability status, sex and location |
25 | Proportion of out of school persons with disabilities (primary school age 6-11, lower secondary school age 12-14) by type of disability, sex and location |
26 | Youth literacy rate (15-24 years) by disability status, sex and location |
27 | Adult literacy rate by disability status, sex and location |
Decent work and employment | |
28 | Share of employed persons with disabilities in total employment (with and without disabilities) by sex and location |
29 | Proportion of employed youth (15-24 years) by educational attainment (No schooling/No primary/Some primary, Primary education, Lower secondary education – General (first cycle), Upper secondary education – Technical/Vocational (second cycle), Post-secondary education non-tertiary, First level of tertiary education (Bachelor’s and Master’s or equivalent level), Doctoral or equivalent level), disability status, sex and location |
30 | Proportion of employed adult (15-64 years) by educational attainment (No schooling/No primary/Some primary, Primary education, Lower secondary education – General (first cycle), Upper secondary education – Technical/Vocational (second cycle), Post-secondary education non-tertiary, First level of tertiary education (Bachelor’s and Master’s or equivalent level), Doctoral or equivalent level), disability status, sex and location |
31 | Employment-to-population ratio (employment rate) by disability status, educational attainment, sex, age and location |
32 | Employment-to-population ratio of persons with disabilities (employment rate) by type of disability, sex, age and location |
33 | Proportion of active population by employment status [employer, employee, vulnerable employment, (own-account and contributing family worker)], disability status, sex, age and location |
34 | Proportion of active persons with disabilities by employment status [employer, employee, vulnerable employment (own-account and contributing family worker)], type of disability, sex, age and location |
35 | Proportion of active population by unemployment status (worked before and never worked before), disability status, sex, age and location |
36 | Proportion of active persons with disabilities by unemployment status (worked before and never worked before), type of disability, sex, age and location |
37 | Proportion of employed population in major occupational groups (legislators, senior officials and managers, professionals, clerks, technicians and associate professionals, service workers and shop and market sales workers, skilled agricultural and fishery workers, craft and related workers, plant and machine operators and assemblers, elementary occupations) by disability status, sex, age and location |
38 | Unemployment rate of persons with disabilities by type of disability, sex, age and location |
39 | Distribution of unemployed population by disability status, level of educational attainment, sex, age and location |
40 | Youth unemployment as a proportion of youth population by disability status, sex and location |
41 | Youth unemployment as a proportion of total unemployment by disability status, sex and location |
42 | Ratio of youth unemployment rate to adult unemployment rate by disability status, sex and location |
43 | Labour force participation rate (employed and unemployed) by disability status, educational attainment, sex, age and location |
44 | Labour force participation rate of persons with disabilities (employed and unemployed) by type of disability, sex, age and location |
45 | Distribution of population aged 15 years and older, by disability status, activity status (employed, unemployed and inactive), sex and location |
46 | Distribution of persons with disabilities aged 15 years and older, by type of disability, activity status (employed, unemployed and inactive), sex and location |
47 | Inactivity rate by disability status, education attainment, sex and location |
48 | Inactivity rate of persons with disabilities by type of disability, sex and location |
[1] See Disability in the Arab Region, 2018. E/ESCWA/SDD/2018/1.