Glossary of Terms

Advisory body: Domestic entity that provides advice and recommendations to the government on disability-related issues. 
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD Committee): International human rights treaty body tasked with monitoring CRPD implementation by States Parties.
Coordination mechanism: National government body that is designated or established under CRPD Article 33 (1) to coordinate government efforts to implement the Convention. 
Focal point: National government entity that is designated or established under CRPD Article 33 (1) to maintain overall responsibility for CRPD implementation.
Independent monitoring framework: National framework independent from the Executive Branch that is designated or established under CRPD Article 33 (2) to promote, protect and monitor CRPD implementation. The framework must have one or more independent mechanism(s) that complies with the Paris Principles.
National human rights institution: State body with a constitutional and/or legislative mandate to protect and promote human rights. 
Organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs): Representative civil society organizations that are led and controlled by persons with disabilities and aim to collectively act, express, promote, pursue and/or defend a field of common interest.
Paris Principles: Minimum standard guidelines for the status and functioning of national human rights institutions.