Resource Type: ESCWA publications
Inclusion Topics: Monitoring
Member States: Regional
Table of contents:
National Institutional Structures for CRPD
Exploring the Implementation of Article 33 in the Arab Region
This paper explores the implementation of Article 33 of the CRPD in the Arab region; which stipulates the establishment of national institutional structures that monitor CRPD implementation.
It aims to shed light on this complex issue by contextualizing the implementation of Article 33 in the Arab region. Using academic literature, UN reports, States Parties’ reports to the CRPD Committee and data collected from disability experts working in Arab governments, it will clarify the requirements and options available to States when developing or strengthening their institutional frameworks and explore how these fit in the Arab regional context. It will also analyze the current institutional setups of Arab governments and look into ways how governments can further improve these setups in line with Article 33. This paper hopes to contribute to policy discussions on the CRPD and Article 33, with particular focus on the Arab region.