Digital inclusion resources
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Integrated public policy for the promotion of the rights of people with disabilities (Available in French and Arabic only)
Member State documents | 2015
Decree No. 2.14.278 Issued on Shaaban 8, 1435 (June 6, 2014) (Available in Arabic only)
Member State documents | 2014

Disability in the Arab Region 2014
ESCWA publications | 2014
Saudi Arabia Child Protection Law (Available in Arabic only)
Saudi Arabia
Member State documents | 2014
Yemen National Strategy for Disability 2014-2018 (Available in Arabic only)
Member State documents | 2014
Promoting the Empowerment of Marginalized Social Groups in the Arab Region
ESCWA publications | 2014
Palestine Social Protection Strategy 2014-2016 (Available in Arabic only)
State of Palestine
Member State documents | 2014

Social Development Bulletin: Persons with Disabilities in Emergencies Vol. 5; Issue No. 1
ESCWA publications | 2014
Yemen Law No. 22 of 2013; Amending Some Provisions of Law No. 2 of 2002 on the Fund for the Care and Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities (Available in Arabic only)
Member State documents | 2013
Saudi Arabia Law on Protection from Abuse (Available in Arabic only)
Saudi Arabia
Member State documents | 2013