Mapping the Institutional and Legal Frameworks in the Arab Region

Significant developments have taken place over recent years with regards to the institutional and legal frameworks on disability in Arab countries. The signature and ratification status of the CRPD is high in the region; 15 countries have signed and 17 have ratified or acceded to the CRPD since it was opened for signature in 2007. Moreover, seven Arab countries have signed and eight have ratified or acceded to the Optional Protocol, which allows individuals or groups to submit complaints regarding breaches of CRPD provisions by States Parties. While collective efforts will be required to sustain this momentum, such trends reflect the strong and growing political commitment of Arab governments to better protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities.

Regarding the implementation of the CRPD and Optional Protocol, it is worth noting that most countries in the Arab region have established national coordination mechanisms on disability, mainly in the form of national disability councils. In many of these cases, persons with disabilities are directly involved in the mechanism, which represents a significant trend given the critical importance of actively involving persons with disabilities in policy- and decision-making processes. A majority of Arab countries have also established focal points for disability-related matters in line ministries and other governmental institutions. On the level of national legal frameworks, most Arab countries have included articles on disability in their constitutions. Moreover, comprehensive disability laws exist in most of the region, with Iraq as the most recent country to adopt a new law on disability in September 2013. Half of Arab countries report that they have or are developing a national strategy or plan on disability (see table 3).

“Persons with disabilities should have the opportunity to be actively involved in decision-making processes about policies and programmes, including those directly concerning them”. 

UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Preamble, paragraph (o))

In sum, overarching institutional and legislative frameworks on disability have expanded significantly in the Arab region over recent years. While further research is needed into the content, implementation and effectiveness of these institutions and laws, their establishment nevertheless represents an important development in national efforts to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities. 

Table 3  Overarching institutional and legal frameworks for disability in the Arab region

Country National coordination mechanism for disability in the government Direct involvement of persons with disabilities in the mechanism Focal point(s) for disability in line ministries or other governmental institutions Articles on disability included in the constitution Overarching or general disability law National disability strategy or plan
Algeria .. ..
Comoros .. .. .. .. .. ..
Djibouti .. .. .. .. .. ..
Egypt x
Iraq x - x
Kuwait x ..
Lebanon x x CBD
Libya .. .. .. .. .. ..
Mauritania .. .. .. .. .. ..
Morocco CBD
Oman CBD
Qatar x - x
Saudi Arabia
Somalia .. .. .. .. .. ..
Syrian Arab Republic .. .. .. .. .. ..
Tunisia CBD
United Arab Emirates x - x x
Yemen CBD

Source: ESCWA, based on data collected from government focal points through the ESCWA Questionnaire on the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Arab Decade for Persons with Disabilities (2013).

Abbreviations: CBD, Currently being developed.