Determining national priorities

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,[1] in particular article 9, sets out a global framework for digital accessibility. As the socioeconomic situation of each country is unique, the first step in developing an e-accessibility policy is to gather relevant data through national surveys to determine which areas should be prioritized in a successful e-accessibility policy.

1. Basic steps in determining national priorities

  1. National digital readiness survey
  2. Survey of supporting national laws and policies
  3. Opinion poll of persons with disabilities regarding their digital accessibility requirements 

2. Appoint an authority to draw up a national e-accessibility policy and oversee its implementation and evaluation

According to global experiences and best practices, including those applied in United Nations programmes relating to persons with disabilities,[2] the task of drawing up and implementing an e-accessibility plan is often assigned to the agency responsible for following up on the digital strategy in each country, such as the regulatory authority for communications and information, a high-level body within the office of the prime minister, the ministry of communications or social affairs, or an agency responsible for e-government services. The main tasks assigned to this agency are the following:

  • Draw up a national e-accessibility policy
  • Work with the legislature to issue or amend supporting laws
  • Launch time-bound implementation plans, monitor their execution, and provide the necessary human and financial resources
  • Follow up on regular progress reports submitted by senior department officials (such as ministers, directors and agencies)