Template 2

Mobile accessibility

There are no specific standards or guidelines dedicated to mobile devices. However, WCAG 2.x and other standards are highly applicable to both web and non-web mobile content and applications. Mobiles or wireless devices include any handheld device, regular mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, and wearables. The following guidelines are derived from WCAG 2.2 with additional recommended best practices.

Table 14. Mobile accessibility template

WCAG section Criterion Description  
1.1 Text alternatives Images and non-text content must be provided with alternative text in Arabic or intended language.
1.2 Time-based media This includes nine success criteria to provide alternatives for audio-visual content.
1.3 Adaptable This includes six success criteria for adaptable content and layout with no information loss.
1.4 Distinguishable This includes 13 success criteria to be able to see and hear content in different situations.
2.1 Keyboard accessible This includes four criteria to access all features by keyboard.
2.2 Enough time This includes six criteria. Users can extend or adjust any time limit in accessing content.
2.3 Seizures This includes three criteria. There should be no content that causes seizures or physical reactions.
2.4 Navigable This includes 13 criteria on different methods and ways to navigate content.
3.1 Readable This includes six criteria for textual content readability and understandability.
3.2 Predictable Web pages are designed with ease of predictability.
3.3 Input assistance This includes eight criteria. Users should be able to discover, avoid, correct, and recover from mistakes.
4.1 Compatible Design should provide for maximum compatibility with user agents and assistive technologies.

Source: WCAG standard. www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/wcag/.