Template 1

Websites minimum critical criteria

Complying with WCAG levels is desirable and done gradually from level A to level AA or AAA. Sufficient time and assistance must be provided for entities to comply if it becomes mandatory. However, new websites or web-based application must comply with the national guidelines from the start.

This template includes minimum critical functions that must exist for a web page to be accessible. It also includes mappings with functional disabilities, as identified in chapter 3 of Revised Section 508 and in chapter 4 of the EN 301 549 V3.1.1. Table 13 lists the 10 most recognized functional disabilities and the mappings between the two standards.

Table 11. Common recommended guidelines among all levels for websites in Arabic

  1. Web page first loads in Arabic unless other language is intended
  1. Action icons to perform
  1. Clear action icons to perform: switch language, resize fonts and contrast adjustment (action icon/or text) (E, F, ع) with direction adjustment
  1. A clear accessibility statement (Arabic/English or French) on main page
  1. Each page has a clear simple path with/without extension (optional)
  1. Website discoverable by search engines
  1. The government entity should have a clear Arabic domain URL (optional)

Source: Compiled by ESCWA.

Table 12. Minimum critical functions

WCAG # Criterion Description FDIs*
1.1.1 Non-text content Images and non-textual content must be provided with alternative text in Arabic or intended language. 1,2,4,5,9
1.2.1 Audio-only and video-only (pre-recorded) Equivalent alternative information should be provided for audio-visual content, depending on impairment. 1,2,4,5,9
1.2.2 Captions (pre-recorded) In a pre-recorded audio or video, captions are provided in preferred language (Arabic is default language). 4,5,9
1.3.3 Sensory characteristics Instructions should not depend on a single sensory channel (appropriate text in Arabic, Braille or preferred language must be provided). 1,2,4,5,9
1.3.4 Orientation User should be able to select portrait or landscape orientation of view. 1-9
1.4.1 Use of colour Colour should be used for decoration and to convey information. 1,2,3,9
1.4.2 Audio control User should be able to control audio if it runs for more than three seconds (stop, pause and volume controls). 1,5,9
1.4.3 Contrast (minimum) Minimum of 4.5:1 contrast is provided for viewable text elements (text and images of text). 2,3
1.4.4 Resize text Ability zoom up to 200 per cent should be provided where appropriate, without any information loss. 2
1.4.11 Non-text contrast For UI components and graphics. 2
2.1.1 Keyboard User should be able to navigate a page using keyboard. 1,2,7
2.1.2 Keyboard trap Never lock a keyboard on any part of a page (navigate-in, navigate-out). 1,2,7
2.2.1 Timing adjustable Users can adjust time limits or are alerted to do so using speech, text or sound. 1,2,7,9
2.2.2 Pause, stop, hide User should be able to stop, pause or hide moving, blinking or scrolling content. 9
2.3.1 Three flashes or below More than three-in-one-second flashes should be avoided for any content. 10
3.1.1  Language of page Web page language must be recognized by user, assistive technology or user agent. 1,2,4,5,9
3.2.2 On input No substantial change should be added to a page as a result of user inputting information. 1,2,9
3.3.1 Error identification Error detection should be provided through appropriate means (text, speech or audio alerts). 1,2,4,5,9
3.3.3 Error suggestions Error correction for detected errors should be provided through appropriate means (text, speech or audio). 1,2,7,9
3.3.4 Error prevention User should be able to roll back or undo any erroneous actions and ensure ability to recover from errors. 1,2,3,4,5,7,9

FDI stands for functional disability index.

Table 13. Functional disabilities

Index No. Section 508 EN 301 549 Functional disability
1 302.1 EN 4.2.1 Without vision (WV)
2 302.2 EN 4.2.2 With limited vision (WLV)
3 302.3 EN 4.2.3 Without perception of colour (WPC)
4 302.4 EN 4.2.4 Without hearing (WH)
5 302.5 EN 4.2.5 With limited hearing (WLH)
6 302.6 EN 4.2.6 Without speech (WS)
7 302.7 EN 4.2.7 With limited manipulation (WLM)
8 302.8 EN 4.2.8 With limited reach and strength (WLRS)
9 302.9 EN 4.2.10 With limited language, cognitive and learning abilities (WLL/C/LA)
10 NA EN 4.2.9 Minimize photosensitive seizure triggers (MPZ)

Source: WCAG 2.2. FDI: Functional disability index.