اليمن 2014

Source: Calculated from ESCWA, 2017a, based on data provided by the NSO from the Yemen Household Budget Survey 2014, unless otherwise indicated


Total female population: 13,147,434 (50.58%)

Total male population: 12,846,022 (49.42%%)

Total population: 25,993,456

Total female persons with disabilities: 265,509 (47.02%)

Total male persons with disabilities: 299,185 (52.98%)

Total persons with disabilities: 564,694

Disability prevalence (%)

Disability prevalence (%)

  Total Rural Urban
Total 2.17% 2.29% 1.90%
Female 2.02% 2.04% 1.98%
Male 2.33% 2.55% 1.81%

Age-specific disability prevalence (%)

Disability prevalence (%)

  Rural Urban Total
Total Female 1.4% 0.6% 2.0%
Male 1.8% 0.5% 2.3%
0-4 Female 0.3% 0.1% 0.4%
Male 0.4% 0.1% 0.5%
5-14 Female 0.7% 0.2% 0.9%
Male 1.1% 0.3% 1.4%
15-24 Female 0.5% 0.4% 0.9%
Male 1.1% 0.5% 1.6%
25-44 Female 0.6% 0.4% 0.9%
Male 1.7% 0.6% 2.2%
45-64 Female 2.2% 1.3% 3.6%
Male 2.6% 0.8% 3.4%
65+ Female 17.2% 5.4% 22.6%
Male 13.7% 3.6% 17.3%

Age distribution (%)

Age distribution (%)

  0-4 5-14 15-24 25-44 45-64 65+
Persons without disabilities Female 12.9% 27.9% 21.2% 24.1% 10.5% 3.2%
Male 14.6% 30.5% 20.7% 22.0% 8.9% 3.4%
Persons with disabilities Female 2.3% 12.9% 9.2% 11.2% 18.9% 45.6%
Male 3.2% 18.8% 13.8% 21.0% 13.2% 30.0%

Type of disability/difficulty (%)

Type of disability (%)

  Seeing Hearing Mobility Cognition Self-care Communication
Female Rural 22.8% 19.3% 28.0% 8.3% 12.1% 9.4%
Urban 20.9% 13.5% 28.6% 14.7% 12.0% 10.2%
Male Rural 15.2% 14.4% 24.7% 15.1% 15.8% 14.7%
Urban 19.7% 11.3% 23.4% 17.9% 16.0% 11.6%

Note: Persons may report more than one type of disability.

By marital status by age group

Marital status, female (%)

  Single Married Widowed Divorced
15-39 Without disabilities 39.9% 57.4% 1.0% 1.7%
With disabilities 76.8% 17.3% 0.3% 5.6%
40-64 Without disabilities 2.0% 76.3% 18.4% 3.3%
With disabilities 5.8% 50.7% 39.5% 3.9%
65+ Without disabilities 0.7% 35.3% 60.5% 3.5%
With disabilities 1.2% 24.4% 72.5% 1.9%

Marital status, male (%)

  Single Married Widowed Divorced
15-39 Without disabilities 55.0% 44.7% 0.1% 0.3%
With disabilities 61.8% 37.1% 0.0% 1.1%
40-64 Without disabilities 1.1% 96.5% 1.2% 1.2%
With disabilities 17.5% 79.9% 1.3% 1.3%
65+ Without disabilities 0.3% 88.6% 9.9% 1.1%
With disabilities 1.1% 81.9% 16.1% 1.0%

Cause of disability (%)

Cause of disability (%)

  Congenital Work accident Car accident War/Terrorism Illness Ageing Other
Rural Female 20.5% 1.9% 0.9% 0.2% 34.2% 38.6% 3.7%
Male 30.1% 5.1% 6.8% 4.1% 27.7% 22.6% 3.6%
Urban Female 21.4% 1.6% 2.1% 0.1% 41.3% 28.9% 4.6%
Male 30.7% 7.2% 7.9% 0.9% 31.0% 17.9% 4.4%

Note: Data source includes a more detailed breakdown for work accident (by accident and disease), war/terrorism (by land mine and shooting) and illness (by disease and multiple diseases).

By literacy status age: 15+ years

Literacy status (%) Age: 15+ years

  Literate Illiterate
Rural Persons without disabilities Female 36.5% 63.5%
Male 79.5% 20.5%
Persons with disabilities Female 6.7% 93.3%
Male 37.7% 62.3%
Urban Persons without disabilities Female 69.3% 30.7%
Male 90.0% 10.0%
Persons with disabilities Female 29.3% 70.7%
Male 58.4% 41.6%

By school attendance

School attendance (%)

  Rural Urban Total
5-9 Persons without disabilities Female 34.3% 14.7% 49.0%
Male 39.0% 15.3% 54.3%
Persons with disabilities Female 1.6% 7.4% 9.0%
Male 16.8% 7.1% 23.9%
10-14 Persons without disabilities Female 50.2% 25.8% 76.0%
Male 63.2% 26.4% 89.6%
Persons with disabilities Female 21.4% 10.5% 31.9%
Male 46.6% 16.0% 62.6%
15-19 Persons without disabilities Female 22.6% 18.4% 40.9%
Male 43.1% 21.2% 64.4%
Persons with disabilities Female 1.5% 16.9% 18.3%
Male 16.7% 10.9% 27.5%

By educational attainment age: 5+ years

Highest educational attainment (%) Age: 5+ years

  ISCED level 1 ISCED level 2 ISCED level 3 ISCED level 4 ISCED level 5 ISCED level 6 No schooling
Female Without disabilities Rural 39.4% 0.1% 6.0% 0.4% 0.4% 0.0% 53.7%
Urban 43.3% 0.2% 17.0% 1.8% 8.3% 0.2% 29.2%
With disabilities Rural 8.5% 0.0% 1.5% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 89.9%
Urban 17.1% 0.4% 5.4% 0.5% 1.9% 0.0% 74.7%
Male Without disabilities Rural 52.6% 0.5% 15.7% 2.1% 4.1% 0.1% 24.9%
Urban 47.4% 0.9% 20.7% 3.3% 12.1% 1.0% 14.8%
With disabilities Rural 20.9% 0.7% 5.1% 1.9% 0.6% 0.0% 70.9%
Urban 33.8% 0.2% 12.1% 1.7% 6.1% 0.5% 45.7%

Note: Data source includes a more detailed breakdown for ISCED levels 2 (by pre-high school vocational and non-vocational diploma), 3 (by high school vocational and non-vocational) and 6 (by post university diploma, master’s degree and PhD).

By economic activity age: 15–64 years

Economic activity (%) Age: 15-64 years

  Employed Unemployed Economically inactive
Rural Female Persons without disabilities 23.1% 1.9% 75.0%
Persons with disabilities 18.0% 1.1% 80.9%
Male Persons without disabilities 64.5% 9.4% 26.1%
Persons with disabilities 27.8% 5.4% 66.9%
Urban Female Persons without disabilities 11.4% 4.8% 83.7%
Persons with disabilities 6.2% 1.1% 92.7%
Male Persons without disabilities 64.0% 10.4% 25.6%
Persons with disabilities 26.3% 3.0% 70.7%

By sector of employment

Sector of employment (%)

  Agriculture Industry Construction Services
Rural Without disabilities Female 50.4% 3.8% 1.5% 44.3%
Male 15.8% 10.5% 15.9% 57.8%
With disabilities Female 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
Male 5.1% 16.3% 9.8% 68.7%
Urban Without disabilities Female 0.8% 5.9% 0.9% 92.4%
Male 2.7% 11.7% 7.8% 77.9%
With disabilities Female 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
Male 8.0% 4.8% 9.7% 77.5%